Wayne Carini & His Advantage Lift
Hey, it’s Wayne Carini from Chasing Classic Cars, and I wanted to talk to you today about Advantage Lifts!
As you may know, I own about 8 or 9 of these lifts, and let me tell you, they’re absolutely fabulous. However, I ran out of room at my shop and in my barn for storing cars. I had just bought this beautiful Ford Starliner coupe, and I needed a place to store it. So, I decided to give the company a call.
I got an Advantage Lift, and the experts came in and installed it. They did a perfect job, and today, I’m a happy customer. I’m standing here in my garage at my house. On top, I’ve got my beautiful Starliner coupe, and underneath, I have my Audi RS6 Avant station wagon. And still, there’s room for my wife’s golf cart!
I couldn’t be happier. When we built this garage about 7 years ago, I had this in mind. My dream of being able to store multiple cars in a compact space has finally come true.
You know, Advantage Lifts are built so strong and so well that I can trust my Audi sitting underneath this heavy Ford on top. If you’re in the market for a lift, you’ve got to check them out for yourself. Advantage Lifts – they’re the best lifts made in the whole world!