How to Figure Out Your Concrete Depth

How to Figure Out Your Concrete Depth

When you're looking at automotive lifts and trying to decide which lift is right for you, there are many variables to consider. What do you want to do with your lift? Do you want to use it for storage? Do you want to use it to work on your vehicle on a regular basis? 

Besides how you will utilize your lift, there are also variables inside of your garage that you need to consider before you make your purchase. The ceiling height will determine what size lift will fit inside of your garage, but your floor type is also a major consideration. 

If you want a 4-post lift, you're in luck because they are mobile and they do not need to be bolted into the concrete, so the thickness of your concrete is not a concern. If you want to purchase a single or two-post lift, though, you will need to figure out how thick your concrete is. The recommended requirement for concrete thickness is 4 inches. 

So how do you measure your concrete, you might ask? There are a couple of ways. You could go out and rent or purchase expensive equipment to measure the thickness, but unless you enjoy spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars, you will need to find another way. 

You can use a hammer drill and drill a small hole in your concrete. Then you will need to fashion a straight piece of metal curved at the end and feel around until you can hook onto the bottom of your concrete pad. Make a note of how deep the metal piece is and measure it from there. If your concrete is 4 inches or over, your concrete pad can have a single or two-post lift installed. 

Once you have your lift type and garage size determined, you're ready to purchase your new lift and raise your garage game to new heights. 

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